Transforming and revolutionizing world-class learning and development programs for SAP´S entire ecosystem.


Hi, my name is Nicole. By profession, I am a full-stack multi-disciplinary designer with super UI/Visual & UX design powers. I believe in creating intelligent creative solutions that tap into the truths of a targeted user, making meaningful connections between product, brand, and their world. Ultimately this leads to creative solutions that are genuinely desirable, feasible, and viable for the business and the users. This is done by thorough research and data-driven design decisions as well as an understanding of the inner mind workings of the end-user and the other stakeholders involved.

Currently, I am Product Design Lead of the UX and research team for SAP Learning systems and SAP -community and the SAP Learning destinations. I lead and oversee the user experience of 2 of SAP´s golden product touchpoints leading design from conception to launch with product managers and engineers.

I have more than 16 years of design experience with a special focus in multi-faceted organizations that requires innovative problem-solving, a great eye for detail, and the ability to deliver in a fast-paced environment. Most recently I was the Lead Designer at Adhera Health. As part of the brain-trust I helped strategize, oversaw design, and implemented innovative design methodologies that scaled. Prior to that, I was the Creative Director at Abi Global Health where my brainpower was focused on designing, implementing, and managing crucial aspects of the product and the brand. Also, I worked as a designer at Home Depot where I helped craft and implement the brand. Eventually, I found my way to Kellen Company, where I worked with many clients such as Kellogs, Smithsonian, Harvard University, George Washington University, Teladoc, and Healthgrades.

I hold a master’s degree in User Experience from the University of Barcelona and a BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design in the United States. I have also been awarded multiple scholarships such as “Woman in Tech” and “SCAD Honours Student”. Finally, I teach and mentor the next generation of talented female designers at AllWoman, a higher education institution.

Aside from all this, I live to live (this involves me doing things I enjoy like traveling, gardening, photography, cooking, fine art, and all things crafty). I dig all kinds of music, crazy about all things well designed and deeply care about our planet, all creatures on it and creating a more sustainable future.

I’m currently based in Barcelona, but originally from South Africa and have spent almost a decade of my life in the United States.

Thanks for stopping by!

Guest lecture series for UX mater students on how to implement design that scales. University of Barcelona

Employment, Education & Awards

Senior Product Designer
22 – Present

Adhera Health
Lead Designer UI/UX

Design Instructor

Abi Global Health
Creative Director
Since 2018 -2022

Autonomous University of Barcelona
Visual Designer
Since 2016

Kellen Company
Atlanta, GA USA
Visual Designer

George Washington University
Washington, DC

Harvard University
Boston, MA
Data Visualization

Home Depot
Atlanta, GA USA
Visual Designer
2014 – 2015

Stream Realty Partners
Atlanta, GA USA
Graphic Designer

Masters In User Experience Design
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
2017 – 2018

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Graphic Design
Savannah Collage of Art and Design
Atlanta, GA, 2009 – 2013

SCAD Define Art 2012 Honouree
Atlanta, GA USA
Jan 2012

SCAD Open Studio 2011 Art Exhibition Honouree
Atlanta, GA USA

Woman in Tech Scholarship
Issued by University Of Barcelona

SCAD Honours Students Scholarship
Atlanta, GA USA
Issued by Savannah College of Art and Design

Nicole is very strong in the messages she conveys, good communicator and highly collaborative. She puts into practice different strategies to drive her colleagues into the right path. Nicole has a great attitude, proactive, great participator and over all committed. She takes control of every situation, leading and guiding others.



Nicole is a great team worker and leader. Excellent presence, warm, clever, wise, ambitious, empathetic and great at handling many types of people or situations. Great personality and skills set to have abroad any project. great at giving and receiving feedback. Nicole is very creative, analytic and determined. She is an incredible asset to any company she works with, but more importantly to all of her colleagues and clients too.


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