Abi Global Health

Designing a future of healthcare where everyone has fast & easy access to trustworthy medical care.

To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted to not disclose any confidential information regarding this company.  


Creative director & Lead designer: Design strategy, UX, UI, Content Design & Visual Design




Digital Health


Abi Global Health was undergoing significant transformations. The company was drastically growing and pushing efforts to improve its product and brand identity. In brief, the strategy was to make sure everything was consistent, highly functional, scalable and also beautiful.

My official title as Creative Director was crucial and at the heart of this huge initiative. What comes forth was an opportunity to learn and grow my abilities as a UI/UX Visual Designer by pushing boundaries. My efforts were focused on aligning, strategizing and optimizing the impact of design in order to aid and progress the business goals.
Moreover, my outputs were vast and can briefly be explained as creating an entire scalable design system.

To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted any confidential information regarding this company. However, I can invite you to try the product out for yourself at and & to get a glimpse of some of my most exciting work.


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